jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

How to get a 95.7% success rate with hot women…THE TAO OF BADASS

 How to get a 95.7% success rate with hot women…


So how did some skinny trailer park loser, and a
Goldfish discover the secret password to unlock a
woman's desire for you?

Find out here if ya can't wait:

Click Here

Let's get into the facts of what Joshua Pellicer



Basically, nearly all females on earth choose who
they want to mate with off of pre-selection.

So, to give the example of the Goldfish ---
yeah I'm going there --- it goes like this:

Male goldfish all look the same.

Females need to mate.

So, who do the females choose?

The male goldfish that other female goldfish are
mating with.

How does this play out with us human's?

When a girl decides who she wants to be sexual
with... she goes for the guy that other women are

They think deep down in there instincts,

"Well other women want him. Therefore he must have superior genes".

Hold up. Before you say "looks", "money", or "fame"...

Not so fast.

In case ya haven't noticed social media has changed
a lot for women. They are not the virgins they were
back in the ole day. Female role models now seem to
be naked in a music video... or in a more “Extremely
NSFW” video that was "leaked".

Women are more independent now too.

The guys they like, the guys they notice, it's not on looks.

It's all about "Pre-selection".

And, you don't need girls surrounding you right now to do

Joshua found an easy way to do it.

No lines. No routines (but he's got stuff to say in case
your mind nervously draws a blank).

Instead you use his simple little map. It's like a
treasure map that leads right to her...


Let's say "kitty". (And, it builds a powerful deep intimate
connection in about 20 minutes or less... if that's your

See the map for yourself here in this shocking video:

Click Here

P.S. Are you gonna let your currently stale game make
you settle with a girl you will most likely never be happy
with? In your inbox tomorrow I have some disturbing

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